Hey bloggers, I haven't been posting for a while which is bad on my part so I will make sure that I am regularly putting work up here for you guys to read!
Anyway here is my 100 WC for this week, the prompt is to write a story about this picture:

Please enjoy and comment! (^o^)
I took a wrong turn, but never will I regret it.
Being lost had never been so beautiful; magical, it was exquisite.
The trees were ignored, they were being engulfed in beauty, by the wonders of the forest.
The night was lite up, I could feel the vibration of the hum that they put out.
Like a sign that they were expecting my presence.
I was being recognized, I just knew it.
They enjoyed my being there.
But why then, was this so confusing
It all seemed inhuman, they were small elegant lights, dancing in night.
What a lucky turn.